Our Stories

Meet Jessica

Jessica, 35, has survived homelessness, addiction, gun violence, and forced prostitution. But today, she is living independently in a supportive environment, receiving treatment for her substance use disorder, and hoping to begin nursing school this fall.

Jessica grew up in a single-parent home in northeast Rochester, with a mother who held down two jobs while trying to hold together her family of five. By the time Jessica was school age, her two older brothers were gone—one incarcerated, the other sent to a residential home for troubled children. Jessica essentially became a mom figure to her younger brother.

Meet Dean

After Dean settled in Rochester nearly 20 years ago, he worked hard to establish his own business. He enjoyed a comfortable suburban lifestyle with his wife and three daughters and was proud of how far he had come after growing up in a complicated home environment in South Africa with a father who worked tirelessly to make ends meet.

Dean thought that things were going well because, just as his father had worked hard to provide for him, he now was doing the same for his own family. But Dean took his comforts and life for granted; and over time, he lost everything.

Meet Carl

The word many people at Flower City Apartments use to describe Carl is “reserved.” But one suspects that his quiet demeanor might simply reflect the many losses Carl has endured in the past two years—the end of a relationship; the loss of his job; and perhaps most significantly, an involuntary separation from his six children. Today, Carl is patiently rebuilding his life one step at a time; and having a secure, stable place to live has been an important part of his continued recovery.

Meet Stephanie

When a new resident arrives at Person Centered Housing Options’ Flower City Apartments, they meet Peer Advocate Stephanie Forrester. Stepping into her office, they pass through a door covered with taped-on Narcan boxes, condoms, and fentanyl and xylazine test strips. On her desk she keeps a large jar filled with candy and sticks of lip balm. Next, Stephanie hands them their move-in kit (a garbage can, kitchenware, cleaning tools) and lets them know when they can access food pantries, R-Community Bikes, and other partner resources to help smooth their transitions. These are just the first steps Stephanie takes to open the conversation with each resident on the way to building trust.

2023 Impact Report

Whether its new programs, services we provide, success stories and accomplishes, you will find all sorts of ways PCHO impacts our communities. End Homelessness is a paramount goal to PCHO but we are so much more. Our residents and participants rely on us for life saving supplies, advocacy and even support going to the doctors. Check out our impact report today to learn more!